Case Study

Global Therapeutic Device Maker Boosts Quota Attainment with Allego

Mobile Video Sales Learning Platform Enables Collaboration, Best Practices Sharing, and Continual Message Refinement

The Director of Clinical Sales Enablement at a global, minimally invasive therapeutic device maker faced the task of driving better message consistency, as well as reinforcing key selling knowledge. The Director also needed a way to onboard new hires more quickly and efficiently, and wanted a solution that would enable collaborative learning among reps in order to accelerate sales performance.

The Challenge

The Director of Clinical Sales Enablement at a global, minimally invasive ther- apeutic device maker faced the task of driving better message consistency, as well as reinforcing key selling knowledge. The Director also needed a way to onboard new hires more quickly and efficiently, and wanted a solution that would enable collaborative learning among reps in order to accelerate sales performance.

The Director and her team liked the idea of implementing a mobile video sales learning tool because it held the promise of delivering on all of these objectives. They had previously tried a first-generation video-based training solution but the platform fell short in terms of user experience. Additionally, reps couldn’t use the platform to create and share their own videos of winning strategies from the field. This prompted the Director to search for a better, more proven video technology to enable sales learning.

Reps in geographically distributed sales organizations often feel isolated. Many have no formal communication channels beyond email to share deal-specific ideas about overcoming certain objections or positioning specific features and benefits. The Director wanted a system that allowed reps to hear directly from other reps about what they’re doing, how they’re doing it, and what they’re facing in competitive sales situations. She chose Allego because of the platform’s ability to deliver on this, while also providing the means to effectively reinforce key knowledge and shorten time to competency for new hires.

The Director rolled Allego out across the company’s five sales regions: Great Lakes, Northeast, South, Southeast, and West. A front line director manages each regional sales team and these regional directors granted full user access to a total of 40+ tenured reps, as well as 12 new hires. On the road, most managers and reps use Allego on their iPads, while others use their smartphones. In the office, people usually just access it from their desktops.

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The Allego Customer Success staff was very organized. They were amazing. We had con- ference calls with my team, then with regional directors, and then with the reps... the roll out was a very smooth transition, unlike what we had previously experienced.

Director of Clinical Sales Enablement

Baseline Learning and Reinforcement

The Director uses the platform to first establish baseline knowledge for the reps going into their national sales meetings, and then follows it up with reinforcement of key material. At a recent national sales meeting, the CEO asked the Director to create a dynamic role play situation. Reps went on stage in front of their peers and role- played scenarios randomly generated by computer. To prepare, reps practiced before the meeting using Allego. The role plays went off without a hitch, which the team attributed to their ability to prepare using the platform. After the meeting, the Director and the regional directors gave assignments to further reinforce areas where certain reps struggled. For example, calling on radiation oncologists.

The sales team now captures and showcases what they like to call “The Best of the Best.” Managers give specific assignments that focus on getting reps to either record quick summaries of key takeaways coming out of sales calls, or record their version of a certain pitch to be judged and shared with the rest of the team. They collect field-generated video content to populate a best practice library everyone can view and reference. The company also set up an instructional “how-to” channel, along with a “tips and tricks” channel. The team later extended Allego to distributors to give them access to this knowledge so they can quickly reference product attributes, assembly
or configuration.


Adoption of Allego went smoothly. The ease of use of the platform combined with Allego’s proven implementation methodology made the roll out seamless. Newer regional directors especially embraced it. One particular rep achieved over 100% of yearly quota having only joined the company in the first quarter of that year. Management noticed this rep had logged the highest number of video views in the Allego platform over a period of four weeks, which pointed to a strong relationship between amount of time viewing content and sales performance. This rep also mentioned to the Director that the ability to watch videos and see what other reps are doing helps him as he ramps up and hones his pitch, since he doesn’t know anyone well enough to initiate those types of conversations yet.

The Director and her team also tracked significant year-over-year growth, especially with newer reps. Five of the six sales regions hit 100% of their quota or greater. They experienced significant growth for the middle and bottom regions, both of which had the most new hires: 41% year-over-year for the middle region and 38% year-over-year for the bottom.

Adopting Allego gave the team a way for their distributed sales reps to collaborate, share best practices, and continually refine messaging. Allego provides the platform managers have been seeking to enable ongoing coaching, feedback and reinforcement. Additionally, Allego’s analytics capabilities give the Director and the executive team valuable insight into the factors underlying performance for each region.

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