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December 9, 2015

Using Video to Improve Sales Success

The most common challenge I hear from national sales managers is that they spend a fortune on live training events such as national sales meetings, yet their reps’ retention of new corporate and product information is almost nonexistent just weeks later. Sound familiar?

Traditional sales training methods – online certifications, boot camps, and event-based training programs – are fundamentally broken because sales reps don’t absorb and retain the key information and skills that will enable them to be competitive in today’s buyer-driven discussions. In the digital era, sales teams simply can’t maximize their learning and retention of information when they’re flown into an annual sales conference in Florida or Las Vegas, filed into a conference room, and pumped full of content they won’t use right away. Additionally, sales teams are finding it difficult to collaborate and access crucial information when and where they need it – whether that’s on the road; in an airport, hotel, conference room; or at home base in the office…

Read Mark’s full post on the Sales 2.0 Event blog


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