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June 19, 2020

Top 14 Sales Training Webinars of 2020 (So Far)

Never before have so many people needed to learn so much, so fast. No one needs to be told that training has changed dramatically in the past few months. L&D and sales training professionals have tackled tough challenges in a short amount of time as we all figure out the best way to communicate and collaborate with each other.

One side effect of this rapid change is that people are shifting the way they think about learning. They’re realizing that learning doesn’t have to be based on an academic model. The traditional approach required you to be present in person for a specified period of time. Training during the pandemic has shown us that it doesn’t have to be that way.

To help you find out more about the best ways to deliver learning during these demanding times, we’ve rounded up the top fifteen webinars from Allego. These are our most popular sessions, from industry experts and in-house SMEs, designed to answer the most pressing questions about learning and sales readiness today.

15 Most Popular Sales Training Webinars

1. How to Prove the Value of Your Sales Training Program
See how to track and measure the ROI of your sales training so you can prove the value of your initiatives and win the resources you need to ramp up.

2. How to Drive Performance for Remote Sales Teams
Our “new normal” of canceled meetings and travel restrictions means face-to-face sales are impossible. Learn how to get new hires up to speed and keep your team on track.

3. For Sellers, By Sellers: The Power of Personalization in Sales
Buyers seek personalized experiences, designed specifically for them, their challenges, and their industry. Get successful personalization strategies from seasoned reps at Allego, Alyce, and Engagio.

4. eLearning is Survival: How to Train Employees and Thrive in a Virtual World
Innovators of eLearning have taken the stage. Join Tim Hagen, founder of Progress Coaching, to learn how to successfully train and coach employees virtually.

5. Progressing the Pipeline: How to Enable Virtual Sales Training at Scale
Managing a dispersed sales team is a unique challenge, but with the right strategy, sales managers can succeed. Learn how technology can help maintain your momentum in today’s uncertain climate.

6. How to Train Smarter, Not Harder
Putting the right tools in place for training, communication, and collaboration is essential. Learn how to train across locations and time zones, both now and in the future.

7. How Mobile Learning Can Energize Your Sales Team During a Pandemic
Using mobile boosts product knowledge and fluency. See how your sales force can learn faster, practice better, and start selling sooner with mobile.

8. Mastering the Fractured State of Sales Enablement
Building a virtual training program when you’ve relied on in-person meetings may feel like an impossible task. Get proven tactics to train remote teams quickly and easily.

9. You Had to Cancel In-Person Training…Now What?
Allego sales, services, and marketing leaders come together to share how to get virtual sales training and collaboration programs up and running quickly during this turbulent time.

10. How to Drive Commercial Excellence Through Virtual Training
Legacy approaches are no longer enough for life sciences reps to get the training they need in today’s landscape. Learn proven tactics and technologies to train and collaborate globally.

11. How to Reassure Client-Facing Teams in Turbulent Times
Learn from two experienced financial services professionals how their teams got through challenging times in the past and how you can get results long after the virus has run its course.

12. 3 Tactical Ways Sales Reps Can Stay On Top of Their Game While Working From Home
Working from home is new to most of us, especially in sales. See how sales reps cope with the distractions, remain disciplined, and stay on top of their game working at home.

13. See it, Do it: How to Drive Sales Results with Observational Learning
Observing others is one of the most powerful and effective ways to learn. Hear two sales reps describe how observational learning has been critical to their career development.

14. Improve Your Sales Results with a Sales Training System
Mike Kunkle, VP of Sales Enablement Services, SPARXiQ explains how to radically improve sales results with a powerful combination of systems thinking and sales readiness technology.

Learn More

Visit the Allego Resource Center for more webinars, customer stories, and articles to help you accelerate training and empower teams.

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