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July 6, 2017

Three Big Advances in the New Allego 4.3

Selling has evolved, and the bar is always rising. Engaging hyper-informed buyers requires insight, yet the traditional sales learning paradigm often remains focused on basic product knowledge. Organizations invest heavily but struggle to truly impact customer conversations because traditional sales training is usually incomplete. Flying to HQ for a three day firehose of Powerpoint no longer suffices; reps need to acquire new knowledge, absorb it into long-term memory, and be able to quickly grab high-impact refreshers at the exact time and place of need. Allego’s sales learning platform addresses all three of these pillars of learning to improve real-world sales conversations.

The 4.3 release advances Allego in three important ways. First, as Allego becomes the de facto place where salespeople go to learn, new integrations enable organizations to funnel additional important resources from outside Allego to their reps. Second, richer usage and interaction data gives sales trainers and managers new insight into training effectiveness as well as knowledge gaps that need to be addressed. And third, expanded gamification and more powerful content search ensure Allego stays fun and easy to use for reps.

Integration with Your Learning Management System

Trainers and managers looking to direct sales reps to training modules residing in their learning management system (LMS) can now administer them via Allego. They can also pull great web content like blog posts, YouTube videos or podcasts right into the platform. Additionally, those looking to integrate training partners’ custom content into Allego can now do so using the most popular versions of the SCORM standard. Metrics-driven content curation means trainers and managers can give reps precisely the kind of content that resonates with them.

Actionable Insights for Sales Trainers and Managers

Sales trainers and managers now have tools to measure the effectiveness and value of training with greater precision and target training investments more accurately. They can assess each rep’s level of understanding of different training topics at the beginning of the learning process to establish a baseline for measuring improvement. Trainers and managers can then view the same report over time to monitor progress and invest training in the right places.

Improve Sales Reps’ Engagement

New Allego 4.3 features ensure that Allego remains fun and easy to use for reps. 4.3 shows reps how their knowledge and mastery stack up against peers with a newly designed home screen and expanded leaderboards. Better content search now empowers Allego customers to facilitate self-directed learning with even greater effectiveness. If a rep can shop on, they can find the videos they need on Allego, too.

The age of the enlightened buyer is here and sales organizations need to prepare reps for it.  For more on how Allego helps them, click here.  For Allego customers who haven’t already seen the 4.3 release notification, contact your Customer Success Manager today for more detail on new 4.3 features and functionality.

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Allego Stands Alone

Allego is the only one of Forrester sales readiness leaders also leading in sales content.