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Modern Learning Tools Rescue Sales Onboarding for Resource-Constrained Teams

If you’re a sales enablement professional at a fast-growing company, “resource-constrained” is probably not an abstract notion to you. It’s a fact of life.

Chances are, your company is hiring (or preparing to hire) new sales reps, all of whom need immediate sales onboarding and training. It’s also likely that your training team isn’t growing fast enough to keep pace with the influx of new talent.

At some companies, the training department may comprise a “team of one,” where “never was so much owed by so many, to so few.”

But with the advent of sales learning and coaching platforms, overwhelmed sales enablement teams can now leverage their scarce resources to establish modern learning within their organization and continually drive measurable business impact.

Onboarding Programs in a Box?

Although modern learning tools aren’t quite “onboarding programs in a box,” they come close.

For example, at one fast-growing eCommerce firm, a one-person training team was freed from having to personally lead every onboarding session by implementing sales learning and coaching technology. Today, much of the coursework that this Sales Enablement manager once had to present ‘live’ gets streamed and assigned to new hires for completion at their own pace.

She uses the platform to record all live training sessions then curate and disseminate the best content to the entire sales team. She also uses it to record a weekly webinar featuring experts from across the country, including the company’s partners and prospective customers. She uses the platform to take this content and quickly spin up eLearning modules on the fly from it, in order to update the field with critical learning as markets move and the business environment evolves from one day to the next.

In addition, she captures weekly roundtables that she can assigned as coursework to new hires. The videos are a great way for reps to get up to speed on messaging directly from their top colleagues.

“I’ll assign the videos during the first week and say, ‘Look at all these other sales folks in the company that have really mastered that value proposition. Hear how they say it. I want you to look at these videos, and then we’re ultimately going to assign this to you, and have you do it. Then we’ll have your manager look at it, and check the box that you’re ready to go out into the world.’”

‘Reinforcement with Flashcards Has Been a Big Deal’

From there, she follows up with reinforcement drills to ensure that new salespeople have digested their classroom training. “The reinforcement piece was really important when we were shopping for this type of solution. The flashcards have been a big deal in our world. They really went over well. I have a series of questions that go out to new hires, but we also put flashcards together for really any new initiative or big change. Like most recently with the changes we’ve made around our CRM, for instance.”

Within two or three months of being hired at this organization, reps are doing ride-alongs with managers even as they continue to refine their messaging and presentation skills using the platform. “By that point,” she says, “reps are graduated from the program and ready to roll.”

But the platform’s uses don’t end on “graduation day.”

“I take the content we get from our new hires and put it back into a best practice library. Based on the feedback I’ve gotten, new hires really appreciate being able to see how other people in their position in the company articulate all of these messages, so that’s been really impactful.”

“I also use the crowdsourced content library as a way to internally showcase the great things that are happening inside the company.”

For more on how technology transforms Sales Enablement, download SiriusDecisions report on sales learning and coaching technology.


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