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December 12, 2019

How To Replicate Your Top Sales Reps [Infographic]

When a pothole-induced flat tire threatens a salesperson’s ability to make an important sales call, she risks missing the meeting if she can’t act quickly. Fortunately, she can watch a user-generated flat-tire repair video on YouTube, replace the tire, and get back on track to make the meeting on time. That’s how agile, easily accessible content can help us in our everyday lives.

If that same rep runs into a virtual pothole during a sales cycle–say, a new evaluator or competitor puts a wrench in the process–there’s a lot more at stake than being just a few minutes late to a meeting. That’s why agile content–created and shared by top-performing peers or subject-matter experts, and available in the flow of a salesperson’s work–is so critical to keeping a salesperson on track and ready to succeed.

If you’d like to discover more about the value of agile sales readiness, check out the infographic below and be sure to get your copy of our new eBook: How Agile Approaches to Sales Readiness Boost Performance.

How to Replicate Your Top Sales Reps - Infographic


Download Infographic (JPG) | Download eBook: How Agile Approaches to Sales Readiness Boost Performance (PDF)

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Allego is the only one of Forrester sales readiness leaders also leading in sales content.