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Man enabling sales growth
February 11, 2021

How To Know When It’s Time to Scale Your Sales Enablement Strategy

Man enabling sales growth

Sales enablement strategy is in the spotlight. The economic uncertainty, workplace restrictions, and market instability of the past year have shaken organizations in almost every industry. The pandemic revealed that one of the most important factors for survival is an effective sales force.

More than ever, you need sellers who can hit the ground running and deliver your value proposition in a compelling, consistent manner that moves prospects through the pipeline and closes deals.

The challenges of last year turned a bright spotlight on the one thing that could turn this around: a modern approach to sales enablement.

This is good news for sales enablement managers, product marketers, content marketers, and sales trainers. Your capabilities are being recognized as essential for company growth.

But the pressure is on to deliver more results with the same—or fewer—resources.

  • How do you support more sellers when your company is growing?
  • How do you support sellers AND other client facing teams?
  • How do you ramp up programs without growing your team?

Scalability is increasingly important, especially in fast-growing industries. Scaling sales enablement means expanding your services and your reach to a growing audience, without adding more resources.

How To Know When It’s Time to Scale

Every organization delivers sales enablement slightly differently. It’s a field in transition. While some companies have well-established teams, others are adding their first manager.

At many places, a single person is expected to support dozens or even hundreds of sellers. At others, they onboard, train, and coach multiple client-facing teams in addition to their sales force.

Every company is adapting to the next normal, launching new products and services or rethinking how they deliver their existing ones. Your sales enablement strategy needs to be as flexible and nimble as your business.

Most enablement teams are designed to serve the current state of a business, without considering the needs to support a future state. If you’re using the same sales enablement approach as you have in the past and hoping that it will suffice moving forward, think again. You simply won’t be able to support your sales force and/or other teams unless you can adapt to new products, market conditions, or competitors.

4 Signs You Need to Scale

It may be time to scale your approach. Here are four signs that your sales enablement strategy needs to scale to meet your business objectives.

1. New hires aren’t getting up to speed quickly enough.

Are your new sellers able to meet quota as soon as you need them to? If not, that could be a sign that they’re not getting the right training or that you’re not training at the right cadence. The less support you provide up front, the longer the ramp-up process takes.

2. Your decisions are based on gut feelings instead of data.

Do you know which pitches are successful, which content is moving the needle, which reps are struggling with certain tasks, or the best ways to handle objections? You need data to diagnose problems in the sales process so that you can make adjustments.

3. Your content isn’t helping reps make sales.

Are your reps using your content to nurture and close deals? Do you know what reps need at each stage of the buying process, and what buyers are looking for? You need a way to align with your marketing team to produce the best content—and train the sales team on how to use it most effectively.

4. Your sellers spend too much time on admin instead of selling.

Do your sellers waste time hunting for content, trying to get their questions answered, tweaking messages, or other tasks that take time away from working deals? Make sure your sales enablement strategy can deliver the information sellers need quickly to free them up to focus on closing business.

If you see any of these four signs, it’s time to re-evaluate your sales enablement strategy.

Sales Enablement at Scale: Allego Customer Spotlight

Here’s how Qventus, an Allego customer, scaled sales enablement strategy with a one-person team and delivered more strategic, effective, and efficient services.

Situation: Fast-Growing Company

Qventus is a fast-growing company whose mission is to simplify how healthcare operates. Named one of Fast Company’s Top 10 Most Innovative Companies in Health for 2018, the company provides a comprehensive “system of action” that enables hospitals and health systems to optimize patient flow.

Challenge: Need for Rapid Onboarding

As its growth accelerated, the demand for the Silicon Valley-based firm’s solutions rapidly outstripped the capacity of its small sales force, pushing it to hire new talent at a much faster rate.

Solution: Using Allego to Build High-Quality Program

The company knew it needed a formal training program to quickly onboard a slew of new reps to hit its sales goals. And with an almost totally remote workforce, it wanted a platform that would promote communication and collaboration among reps without requiring them to be in the same location.

By choosing Allego, Pete Giliberti, Director of Sales Training and Enablement, was able to build a high-quality learning and enablement program almost overnight.

Results: New Reps Productive in Half the Time

The company saw reduced ramp times as it melded geographically distributed reps into a cohesive team with a strong corporate culture. “There is no way I could’ve built and delivered an onboarding program with such high production value by myself in such a short amount of time without the Allego platform,” said Gilberti.

“And the program is already proving to be effective: we’ve now got reps reaching a critical milestone in our sales process within the first three months of getting hired. That used to take six months.”

Preparing for the Future of Sales Enablement

The future of sales enablement solutions is mobile, on-demand experiences that are engaging and effective to drive learning at scale—no matter how dispersed or centralized your team may be. Follow these steps to empower your sellers with the tools and resources your sales organization needs to be successful in any business climate.

Learn More

Download a copy of The Ultimate Guide to Scaling Sales Enablement for Virtual Sales Teams to get best practices to scale up sales enablement—without adding more resources.

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