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How Allego Streamlined My Onboarding

For new Customer Success professionals in enterprise software, the first day on the job is all about information overload.

Besides memorizing your new coworkers’ names and familiarizing yourself with new surroundings, you have to wade through stacks of onboarding packets and worksheets ASAP to get ready for the field.

When I went through this recently here at Allego, I was glad the new company I’d joined actually drank their own champagne. My onboarding here was fast, efficient and more enjoyable than anywhere else I’d been (an encouraging sign, considering the product we sell).   

Video is More Engaging

When I sat down at my desk on day one, I had a ton of information to read and digest. But I just preferred watching the video content in our Allego system over the written materials. Video is much more engaging and enjoyable to learn from.

My favorite part of onboarding here was the Flash Drills. Having a daily exercise show up right on my phone just made it easy to learn all this new stuff. Many times, you’ll learn something, but it drops out of your memory almost immediately. And then you don’t relearn it until you’re in the field with a customer – when the stakes are much, much higher.

The different Flash Drills gave me a way to reinforce the information I needed. The program does actually drill that knowledge right into your head. You’ll learn (and relearn) different implementation best practices, descriptions for product features, how to talk about different service offerings, etc., and then you stop and practice on video to polish it before you have to go out there and get the hands-on experience with customers.

Learning Continuously was Better

Our Allego system is packed with so much content about our business, too, so I actually found myself watching videos out of pure curiosity. I’d be on my commute or at home, and would watch one of the videos whenever something caught my interest. I think the convenience of having it all on my phone was what did it. I still watch new videos all the time.

I think the more content you put into your system, the more it encourages users to want to find new things to watch. There’s always more that you can learn whenever you need (or want) to. And I got comfortable using the system to reach out to my peers on video and ask them to explain different things about our business that weren’t already in there. I think I got so comfortable using the platform because of the social nature of it. Everybody uses it.

For me, that’s the biggest benefit. If you’re new in Customer Success, you’ve got immediate access to all your top colleagues and managers showing you everything you need on video. All in all, I found it much easier to get up to speed this way.


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