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September 28, 2018

To Bridge the Gap between Travel and Work, Pack Allego for Your Next Road Trip

In the past, even a salesperson’s most productive travel days were chock-full of downtime, especially when going through (or to) destinations with poor or nonexistent WiFi connections.

Unless you brought stacks of collateral to review on the plane or in your hotel room, you might not get the chance to make any last-minute needed refinements to your talking points, or refresh your memory on the latest features.

With just a few minutes of planning and prep, though, you won’t need reams of paper or a WiFi connection to bridge the gap between travel and work.

Allego ‘Unplugged’

All you need to do is take five minutes to ‘favorite’ what you need before you hit the bricks, and you’ll be able to access the information whenever and wherever you need it.

This may seem obvious, but believe it or not, many people forget Allego can be used without an internet connection.

As someone with a sales background, I believe this is a really amazing way to increase your productivity – or at least keep from falling behind with your training and coaching – while you’re out of the office.

I know from experience that planning and organizing the week is important for the average salesperson. But these plans get easily derailed by unexpected sales meetings or hastily arranged trips. Today, if you have an exercise video due on Friday, and you’re suddenly called on to travel on Wednesday and Thursday, all is not lost. You can simply ‘favorite’ a few best-practice or instructional videos, watch them on the plane, and then record your talk track after getting to your hotel room that night.

Find Early Adopters

If your organization only recently adopted Allego, and you don’t feel comfortable navigating the system on your own, find an “early adopter” who can bring you up to speed before your next trip. Ask around for someone who has experimented with the platform, especially if they’ve tapped on that ‘favorite’ button and really found it helpful. Ask them to spin up a video (a short video) on what they love about the offline features, as well as why and how they use them. This helps you scale the learning curve in a hurry.

Finally, if you’re intimidated by the idea of recording a video for the first time, don’t think of this as an audition for the “role of a lifetime.” Instead, treat it like an informal podcast – something you might post to your Instagram or Facebook page. This might seem silly, but it tends to take the pressure off.

Learn More

For more on how Allego bridges the gap between travel and work while connecting geographically distributed teams, watch this video to learn how Clarabridge, a SaaS Customer Experience Management Solution, empowers its global sales team.




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