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the calling journey
December 12, 2021

An 11-Year-Old’s Cold Calling Journey

the calling journey

Worried or nervous about making cold calls? 11-year-old Joe Beales says: ‘Just get over it!’

Several months back when Joe came into the office, I coached him in the art of cold calling, he put my training into action and booked eleven meetings that day.

10 months later, Joe asked our GM Kevin (his dad) if he could come back and do it again. It was an emphatic ‘yes’ and I’m thrilled with how the day panned out.

This time, before hitting the phones sales coach Josh Braun kindly offered to give Joe a coaching session, teaching Joe how to take his cold calling to the next level, and how to be naturally curious.

Using his new tips and tricks Joe booked another six meetings including one with cold call rockstar Dale Dupree.

So why coach an 11-year-old to make cold calls?

If you can pick up the phone and have a conversation you can make anything happen for yourself.

Joe is 11 and hasn’t yet developed the self-limiting barriers many of us as adults develop, the same barriers that stop many in sales from simply picking up the phone and making it happen.

We wanted to see what, with a bit of coaching, Joe could achieve. He nailed it.

What’s holding you back from picking up the phone?

Cold calling is “Child’s play” – you just need the right attitude, confidence and a coach.

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