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Adapter's Advantage Pat D'Amico
September 25, 2020

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast: Episode 10 Featuring Pat D’Amico

Welcome to The Adapter’s Advantage: Breakthrough Moments that Lead to Success. In this episode, leadership coach Pat D’Amico shares unique insights from his experience in the military and life sciences.

Pat is the founder and CEO of About-Face Development, a veteran-owned performance improvement consulting firm whose goal is to help clients advance performance and drive greater individual and organizational success.

Throughout his career, Pat has held roles in sales, recruiting, marketing, commercial operations, and learning & development at Fortune 50 and start-up companies. He has a desire for continuous learning and a passion for developing leaders.

In this episode, Pat describes the many ways the pandemic is changing how life sciences and many other businesses operate. To succeed, leaders must be open to new ways to tackle today’s challenges.

Providing a vision of a better future and continuous development are critical. Listen as Pat describes essential leadership competencies, the value of asynchronous communication, and the importance of learning from your mistakes.

Episode 10: Training the Next Generation of Leaders | Pat D’Amico

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“Folks want to see how the most successful people are doing things. And there’s a big difference between reading that in an email and actually hearing them speak—the inflection, the passion. Advancements in technology that give us the ability to do that have been incredibly impactful.” — Pat D’Amico

From This Episode

Host Mark Magnacca: “How do you think recruiting, hiring, and training have changed?”

Pat D’Amico: “Today we need to provide continuous development. That was more challenging years ago, when everything was in person and everything was live and you had to contend with the questions of whether you could afford to bring people in—both the cost of bringing them in as well as the cost of them being there. Now, with technology, you can provide continuous development for folks at a much lower cost than you ever could. It keeps them up to date and you can do it over time.

“One of the challenges that I always had with the leadership development programs I ran was that I might only get eight days a year with a cohort. And so, every quarter, I’d bring them in for two days. My challenge was to deliver so much development around what it means to be a leader and a manager that I seldom got to any skill development. It was primarily knowledge transfer in these areas.

“Now with technology, when I teach leadership development, it’s really complete. We have a remote system that we use to deliver all the content and all the critical leadership competencies. We can reserve live days for focusing on those that need practice or on those skills that are most critical to that business or that organization. So it’s really opened up a way to get much deeper.

“At the same time, we can also take advantage of continuous development. We’re not bringing folks in for two days and it’s over. This goes on a year or two years, and that’s what people want and need. Because, you know it’s not a finish line, right? You’re always continuing to develop.”

About Adapter’s Advantage

Our podcast features leaders from sales, training, and industry who share their personal journeys of transformation and how they are adapting to an ever-changing environment. As your host, I’ll introduce you to some of the most interesting and inspiring people I’ve met over the last twenty years.

The conversations dive into the ups and downs of my guests’ journeys. We focus on inflection points—the aha moments that, in retrospect, had a critical impact on their success. These interviews will leave you with practical, real-world advice that you can apply to your life.

Our world is in constant change. This podcast helps sales training, enablement, or learning and development professionals gain valuable insights to help themselves and their organizations adapt to this time of tremendous upheaval.

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