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The Adapter’s Advantage: Cheri Lytle on Coaching Advisor Growth

Podcast episode Coaching Advisor Growth from The Adapters Advantage features Cheri Lytle, Managing Director at JPMorgan Chase, along with her photo. The Allego logo is displayed at the bottom. .

Welcome to The Adapter’s Advantage: Breakthrough Moments that Lead to Success. In this episode, financial planning industry veteran Cheri Lytle shares her journey from coal miner’s daughter to head of practice management and advisor growth at JPMorgan Chase. Listen as she explores the power of grit and an independent mindset, how financial planning has changed, coaching advisor growth, and why connection is a key ability for success.

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Learning is hard, no matter your age or what you’re learning. So, it has to be in bite-sized chunks. It can’t be, let me go to the training class for four hours, take notes and then go do it. You need a five-minute bit here; you need a 10-minute bit here, … and do it more frequently.

Cheri Lytle is Managing Director, Head of Chase Wealth Management Advice and Strategy at JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Cheri has an extensive track record of developing leaders and advisors, implementing organizational change, and managing merger and acquisition integrations.

Cheri began her career at General Electric Aircraft Engines, leading global systems initiatives across 10 countries. She then held various leadership positions at Bank of America within bank branch operations, credit card, and small business.

Prior to joining JP Morgan Chase, Cheri was head of advisor strategy and development at Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, where she led the advisor development program for 3,500 advisor trainees and implemented practice management strategies for 15,000 financial advisors. Previously she led human resources and leadership development for Merrill Lynch.

Listen as Cheri discusses best practices for training and coaching, developing relationships with clients, the most important skill advisors need today, and more.

Episode 52: Coaching Advisor Growth | Cheri Lytle

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From This Episode

Host Mark Magnacca: “What are financial advisors doing differently since the pandemic to grow and build relationships with their customers?”

Cheri Lytle: “One of the obvious things is doing business with clients via Zoom. We were in the pandemic with clients. They were going through the same things we were going through. We had a feeling we were all in this together, and that brings a lot more connection.

“And post-pandemic markets make people anxious, so we’re dealing with that now, too. But if you have a connection with the client that you’ve established during a time of need, conversations will be much easier.

“In a weird silver-lining way, the pandemic helped the connection with clients. It also allowed us to be way more flexible and able to do things virtually–and still make that connection.

“We’ve visualized for clients, not just advisors, that we can have a [virtual] connection, service them where they are, and still meet their needs. I can go anywhere and Zoom in with my advisor now—or not. Having that flexibility is the biggest change we’ve seen.”

About The Adapter’s Advantage

Our podcast features leaders from sales, training, and industry who share their personal journeys of transformation and how they are adapting to an ever-changing environment. As your host, I’ll introduce you to some of the most interesting and inspiring people I’ve met over the last 20 years.

The conversations dive into the ups and downs of their journey. Our guests focus on inflection points—the aha moments that, in retrospect, had a critical impact on their success. These interviews will leave you with practical, real-world advice that you can apply to your life.

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