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September 19, 2013

5 Ways to Ensure the Best Q1 Sales Kickoff Ever!

If you’re like most sales executives, you’re planning an annual sales kickoff in the coming months.  You’ll recognize your leaders for their work last year.  You’ll communicate the direction and strategy for the upcoming year, and you’ll include some sales, product, market, and competitive updates in the form of education sessions.  And you’ll want to know that your team is engaged!

Sales Meeting Comic

An Enterprise Video and Knowledge Management Platform provides 5 big opportunities to ensure your team is getting the most out of the meeting and leveraging it when they are back in the field, interacting with customers.

1. Setting the Stage

Before the meeting, your Sales leadership team can post a few brief videos to a secure site to set the stage for an engaging sales meeting.  Allow your sales team to hear from you about your expectations for the meeting, the agenda, the speakers and how the meeting will help to launch a record-setting year for the entire team.

2. Prepare to Learn

Marketing and product management can also post video content for new product and marketing programs so that the sales team can be ready with questions and comments for a productive discussion.  These videos, also posted to a secure site, are downloadable and viewable on mobile devices; so the pre-meeting learning can happen easily prior to the meeting.  This will allow the sales people understand the basics before the live educations.  So your speakers can get to a deeper level of discussion, and the sales questions can be about strategic implications and client scenarios they want to review.  Because they will be hearing much of the material for the 2nd time live, retention and understanding will be much deeper.

3. Get It All on Video

At each day’s conclusion, post a video of each session.  These videos will provide ongoing reference material for your team.  Much more interesting and engaging than a Powerpoint deck, these videos will be used for on-demand knowledge and ongoing skills-based learning when the sales team needs them the most.

4. Engage the Team

As we all know sales people are competitive and love to win!  Ask your sales people to create a “pitch presentation” video on one or more of the sales meeting topics.  Run a contest for the most “Liked” or best-scored video and announce winners.  And the best part … retain these winning videos as best practices for your entire sales team to reference and emulate.

5. Make Sure the Education Works – Certify the Learning

With video practice and coaching, you can ask your team to share a video of themself applying the skills taught at the meeting.  Then you can “certify” that your reps have successfully absorbed the product and sales training using scorecards that reflect your standards.

Closing Thoughts

Your meetings require a large investment of time, money and resources.  You must be confident that the investment will pay off in the form of sales growth.  Your team must absorb the meeting content and apply their new knowledge as they venture back out to clients and prospects. An Enterprise Video and Knowledge Management Platform, like Allego, will ensure a high ROI on your sales meeting investments by extending the skills development and knowledge sharing process beyond the physical sales meeting, out into the field where your team needs it the most.


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