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November 20, 2017

4 Ways Allego 4.5 Gives Sales Teams What They Want

The 4.5 release gives trainers and managers more ways to engage sales teams at the time and place it’s most convenient for them, along with enhanced security and more options for reporting.

Audio Content (Podcasts)

Allego users can now capture or upload audio of phone meetings, inside sales calls or any other key information then quickly add rich interactivity and share with their team for review or feedback. Trainers and managers can place this interactive audio content in sequenced playlists for reps to listen on the go like podcasts.

Deeper Insight

Allego users can now analyze Allego data along with other corporate data using their business intelligence tools for deeper insight into training effectiveness. New reporting APIs empower organizations to query raw Allego data and assemble, join and translate it into actionable insights.

Enhanced Mobile Security

Customers can now deploy Allego with Airwatch and Blackberry mobile security (MDM) solutions, and soon with any solution adhering to AppConfig Community coding standards created to protect sensitive company data on employee’s mobile devices and apps.  Most major MDM vendors are members of the AppConfig Community so customers don’t have to worry about which one they already have when choosing Allego.


Trainers and managers can also now freely create or combine groups in Allego for sharing and reporting without requiring admin help. They can quickly create custom groups for new hires or any other cohort, then use Allego to personalize training and facilitate collaborative learning.

For more on how Allego helps sales teams improve productivity, click here. For Allego customers who haven’t already seen the 4.5 release notification, contact your Customer Success Manager today for more detail on new features and functionality.

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Allego Stands Alone

Allego is the only one of Forrester sales readiness leaders also leading in sales content.